Maca Root Extract Supplement

$17.99 each
Formulated to:
Improve sexual performance, help women with menstrual pain & irregularities and conditions such as menopause
- 90 capsules per bottle
- 500 mg per capsule
- 1 month supply!
Maca Root Extract Supplement
Maca root, an all natural, herbal wonder from Peru, with a legendary history, is now providing help for thousands of men and women. These are men and women who just like you are perfectly normal, healthy individuals with some minor yet frustrating problems. Some suffer low sex drive, sexual dysfunction, loss of libido, an overall lack of energy and stamina, aggrivating hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms.
Maca root, which looks somewhat like a small, brown turnip, is rich in phosphorous,calcium, natural fiber and iron, and is believed to boost sex drive by up to 200%! And, while Maca root has been made famous for its effects on sexual dysfunction and as an aphrodisiac, Maca root really offers many other benefits. Maca root, a natural food product, is being used by everyone from the young to the elderly to boost energy levels and to increase physical stamina and performance. Since Maca root possesses the unusual ability to adapt to your body's metabolism, MACA works naturally with your individual body to increase your energy and vitality.
Maca root offers many benefits for your overall good health. For example, Maca root contains significant amounts of amino acids, complex carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and iron. Maca is a totally natural herb which has been traditionally used by those wanting to increase sexuality and increase energy.
Maca root has been shown to give more stamina and endurance in athletes, promote better mental clarity, and as already mentioned, it has been widely used as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.
Maca root extract has been used for improving sexual performance, to help women with menstrual pain and irregularities and conditions such as menopause. Many women find Maca powder helps combat symptoms of fatigue, hot flashes and anxiety associated with menopause.
Due to the number of steroidal glycosides present in Maca root it is very rapidly gaining popularity with serious weight lifters and body builders.
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